Sales Rocket
5 min read
6 Ways to Reduce Cart Abandonment on your Shopify Store with Sales Rocket

6 Ways to Reduce Cart Abandonment on your Shopify Store with Sales Rocket

Cart abandonment is a huge issue for e-commerce businesses, and you can't afford to have shoppers leave without purchasing what they came to buy. You don't want your e-commerce site to become an abandoned car lot! As a Shopify store owner, there are many ways to reduce cart abandonment on your Shopify store. Reducing the rate of shoppers abandoning carts can directly impact your revenue significantly. In this blog, we will explore are 6 ways to reduce cart abandonment on your Shopify store with the help of Sales Rocket

With all the effort you're investing in driving traffic to your store, you want to maximize the opportunity your audience has to make a purchase the first time they visit.

When new customers come to your store, they are either going to make a purchase or are going to abandon it. If they abandon, the likeliness of them returning is very low. Customers abandon their shopping carts for all kinds of reasons---not because they don't want what they added to the cart, but because something distracted them or made them change their mind at the last minute.

According to some estimates, e-commerce cart abandonment rates can reach as high as 90%. And while every site is different, there are a number of things you can do to reduce the likelihood of visitors abandoning their carts on your Shopify store. You must have processes in place that will encourage customers to stay on your site and engage further with your brand. This is why abandonment rate optimization is so important.

The good news is that there are several actions you can take to reduce cart abandonment rates and increase your store’s conversions. Because the shopping cart is so critical to your eCommerce store's success, it is important to ensure that your checkout process is set up to encourage sales rather than abandonment.

Ecommerce shops lose millions of dollars every year because of cart abandonment. 63% of all online shoppers who start the checkout process but don't complete it have the intention to complete it. According to Baymard Institute, the average cart abandonment rate is 69.82%. This value is an average calculated based on 46 different studies containing statistics on e-commerce shopping cart abandonment.

Reduce Cart Abandonment with Sales Rocket Features Example Image

1. Get-It-By Timer

The feature allows you to display a countdown timer on your product detail/view pages, informing shoppers how much time they have left to obtain the goods on the next available ship date.

If you're selling products that aren't readily available or on backorder, this tool makes it clear to shoppers when they can expect their order to arrive. For example, if you bought a new phone today, you would want to know when you could expect it to be delivered. Having this information available would encourage me to make the purchase more quickly rather than waiting for another supplier who may ship immediately.

2. Shipping Bar

A shipping bar, employs progressive notifications to update their cart contents in real-. time, allowing consumers to see how close they are to earning free shipping at checkout. When customers learn how much their item would cost including delivery, they frequently abandon their shopping carts.

3. Checkout Boost

Encourage your consumers to complete the checkout process by making an incentive in exchange for a social sharing on Facebook or Twitter about their order with you. A discount code, a free delivery voucher, or a free gift with purchase might be offered as a reward. This is also beneficial because it helps you gain new followers and creates buzz about your store. The social share button can be added in a few clicks from the Sales Rocket dashboard.

4. Cart Reserved

This feature allows customers to save their cart and come back later. This is a great way to reduce cart abandonment because it means that if a customer isn’t ready to buy when they first visit your site, they can return later without losing their items. They don’t have to go through the trouble of finding and adding their items all over again. This is especially helpful if you have long shipping times, or if your customers want to compare products before making a final decision. Cart Reserve not only keeps people on your site longer but also gives them more time to find the products that are perfect for them. Customers love this feature because it allows them to shop for multiple items at once without losing track of what they’ve already picked out. It also makes it easier for customers to find what they were looking for later on if they decide to leave the site without checking out.

5. Cart Favicon

Cart Favicon works by displaying an icon with the number of items in your customer’s shopping cart right beside your website’s title. It displays an icon with the number of items in your customer’s shopping cart right beside your website’s title. When a visitor adds a product to their cart, this favicon will update the number of items on it so the customer can see exactly how many items are in their cart at all times. The small icon in the browser, near the page title, shows the number of items in the cart and makes the tab more visible. Basically, on your browser heading, you will have a webpage icon or logo. The cart favicon shows the number of items in the cart beside the logo as shown in the image.

6. Skip To Checkout

In any store, the Skip to Checkout feature is a must-have. It helps you improve sales and minimize abandoned carts. It allows you to quickly supply your emotional consumers with the goods they desire without having to navigate to the Cart page. Thus, it is highly likely that your store will increase its conversion rate by providing your clients with this feature.

Reducing the number of cart abandonments on your Shopify store is integral to increasing your average order value and maintaining a healthy bottom line. After all, each abandoned cart is a lost sale. The reasons behind cart abandonment are myriad, but you should always be thinking about how you can reduce it. It's a problem that stores are facing no matter the industry or niche, and it's an easy way to grow your store and increase your sales. Abandoned carts are a major headache for Shopify merchants. They can hurt your business in multiple ways, from delayed sales to lost leads. And if there is one thing that is needed to keep your Shopify store running smoothly, it's sales!

Sales Rocket provides you with the best possible way to maximize your sales and minimize cart abandonment by using these functionalities. Start your 14-day free trial and get started on your journey of reducing cart abandonment for your store.

Start your 14-day free trial and get started on your journey of reducing cart abandonment for your store.

Start your 14-day free trial today

Sales Rocket
July 22, 2024