Sales Rocket
5 min read
5 Features to Reduce Cart Abandonment for Your Shopify Store This Holiday Season

5 Features to Reduce Cart Abandonment for Your Shopify Store This Holiday Season

Cart abandonment remains a common problem businesses regularly face since customers don’t always finish the buying process. If you run a Shopify store, you’ll want to minimize cart abandonment and increase sales by having people go to checkout.

To minimize cart abandonment as the holiday season approaches, consider Shopify marketing apps, look into the best features, and apply them. If you don’t know where to start, review five key features some apps can provide you with concerning cart abandonment in order to boost your profits.

Get-It-By Timer

Get it by timer Example Image

Quite a few customers order their items later than they should, so they might not buy the product because they think it won’t arrive in time. However, if you provide a get-it-by timer on the page, your customers will know when they can expect the item to arrive. This way they feel safe that the product will arrive when they need it.

For example, some people may need the product as quickly as possible, so they’ll want to secure a good deal with a fast delivery date. If you let them know the delivery date, they’ll have a reason to purchase the item immediately and avoid an abandoned cart.

Not only does it inform the customers, but you’ll encourage them to make the purchase immediately. They don’t want the product to arrive late, so they’ll want to order it within that time limit to get it as soon as possible.

You can set the timer to inform people of a change in the delivery date, so they can get it within a certain period. The timer will push the customer to act now rather than later.

Cart Reserved

The cart reserved feature will add a timer to the shopping cart meaning the products in the cart will only be available for a certain period of time. This will add a sense of urgency for the consumer who will eventually lose the opportunity to buy those products once the time expires.

The timer will motivate the user to buy the product immediately and not use the cart as a wish list for future purchases. The idea that the item is scarce will push the buyer to pay for the item and not abandon the cart.

Your customers want to know their shipping options before they make a purchase. They may want to buy a product but don’t want to deal with an expensive shipping fee. So businesses can reassure their customers by including a shipping bar at the top of the screen.

Shipping Bar

Shipping bar example image

The shipping bar gives shipping information to the user. For example, if you offer free shipping in certain countries, you can list them in the bar and clarify it to the buyers. Doing so will reassure them they won’t face shipping fees while making a purchase.

You can even use the shipping bar to offer a first-time free delivery. The approach will help you get more first-time visitors to buy from your store. Once they make that first purchase, you can encourage them to keep buying and become returning customers.

Ensure you update the details regularly to avoid misinformation and confusing your customers. You should also adjust the phrasing to see what works best for your business since different words can appeal to different people.

Checkout Boost

Checkout Boost Example Image

You want to minimize the number of people who go to your site without making a purchase. You want to leave a good impression on people and secure sales to keep your store running. If you utilize checkout boost, you can increase your sales.

A checkout boost sends a pop-up to the customer while they visit your website. The pop-up can include information about purchases, make an offer, and do anything else to get them to buy something. You can even create different pop-ups to see what works.

Checkout boosts work because it draws people’s attention and gets people to make more purchases. However, if you decide to go with a checkout boost, you should avoid anything too over the top or intrusive since doing so could leave a negative impression on people.

Finding that balance will help reduce cart abandonment while making your customers happy. You can adjust the pop-up window’s size to find the best option for your visitors. You may struggle to identify the right size, so keep at it until you pick an ideal one.

Sometimes, winning your visitors over involves speeding up purchases to save them time. People want to make purchases immediately rather than going through multiple pages and figuring out where they must go to buy those products.

While carts work well for people who want to make multiple purchases, others want to buy one item quickly. To meet their needs, you should add skip to checkout as a drop-down option when your visitors look at products.

The options will let them pick the item, go straight to checkout, and buy what they want. That way, they don’t have to add it to the cart, wait for the page to load, and then make the purchase. If you make it optional, it won’t get in the way of people who want to use the cart.

If you don’t want to go with the drop-down menu approach, put it as a choice next to the “Add to cart” button. Doing so will show people they can buy it immediately, but you increase the odds of a misclick.

Cart abandonment prevents businesses from making money and succeeding, so you must minimize abandonment when possible. Doing so will help boost your sales, secure more customers, and keep them informed with a well-designed store.

Ensure you review the available features and see which ones work for your eCommerce store. That way, you can pick the ideal options, improve your situation, and positively impact your customers.

By using timers, making the buying process quick and easy, and showing all the information on screen, shoppers will be more inclined to finish the purchase.

Sales Rocket, an app that has all of these features along with 35+ more, is available exclusively on the Shopify platform, free for 14-days.

start your free 14-day trial today

Sales Rocket
July 22, 2024