Sales Rocket Features

Maximize Conversions with Sales Rocket

Create urgency and FOMO in your Shopify store with sales popups and email popups. Boost sales with social proof, stock countdowns, and countdown timers.

Full List of Features in Sales Rocket
Sales Popup
Spark engagement with real-time notifications of recent purchases.
Email Popup
Capture leads with engaging email popups offering discounts and updates.
Countdown Timer
Infuse urgency with timers for special deals and offers.
Sales Notifications
Boost credibility with real-time purchase alerts.
Stock Countdown
Encourage prompt buying with visible, diminishing stock levels.
Falling Emojis
Add animated emojis to enhance engagement.
Page Speed Optimizer
Improve page load times for better user experience.
In Cart Upsell:
Suggest relevant products to increase cart value.
Remove Shopify Branding
Customize your store's look.
Cart Favicon
Display cart status in the browser tab.
Inactive Tab
Alert customers with an attention-grabbing tab title.
Animated Add to Cart
Add fun animations to cart actions.
Animated Checkout Button
Enhance checkout experience with animated buttons.
External Links in New Tabs
Open links in new tabs for better user retention.
Protection Plus
Enhance security features.
Back to Top Button
Improve navigation with a quick scroll-up option.
Frequently Bought Together
Suggest complementary products.
ATC Button Ribbon
Add ribbons to add-to-cart buttons.
Cookies Bar
Inform users about cookies usage.
Volume Discounts
Offer discounts for bulk purchases.
Cart Slider
Show a sliding cart preview.
Instagram Feed
Display Instagram posts on your store.
Shipping Bar
Highlight free shipping offers.
Get It By Timer
Show delivery times.
Redirect users based on their location.
Related Products
Suggest related products to customers.
Quick Add to Cart Button
Allow quick product additions to the cart.
Enable emoji reactions on products.
Quick View
Allow quick product previews.
Recently Viewed
Show customers their recently viewed items.
Enable preorder options for upcoming products.mojis
Checkout Boost
Enhance the checkout process.
Skip Cart
Allow direct checkout, skipping the cart.
Hide Best Selling
Hide best-selling products.
Wheel of Fortune
Engage customers with a spin-to-win feature.
Facebook Messenger Chat
Integrate Facebook Messenger for customer support.
Cart Items Count In Tab Title
Show cart item count in the tab title.
Agree to Terms and Conditions
Ensure customers agree to terms before purchase.
Discount Code Email Popup
Capture emails with discount popups.
Full List of Features in Sales Rocket
Conversion Boosters
Page Speed Optimizer
In Cart Upsell
Stock Countdown
Remove Shopify Branding
Sales Notifications
Animated Add to Cart
Cart Reserved
Search Autocomplete
Cart Favicon
Search Autocomplete
Protection Plus
Back to Top Button
Inactive Tab
Retention Boosters
Frequently Bought Together
Animated Checkout Button
External Links in New Tabs
Countdown Timer
ATC Button Ribbon
Cookies Bar
Volume Discounts
Cart Slider
Instagram Feed
Shipping Bar
Get It By Timer
Hide Best Selling
Cart Items Count In Tab Title
Operational Enhancers
Related Products
Quick Add to Cart Button
Quick View
Recently Viewed
Checkout Boost
Wheel of Fourtune
Agree to Terms and Conditions
Facebook Messenger Chat
Skip Cart
Discount Code Email Popup
Falling Emojis