Solutions Built Specifically
for Shopify Brands!

Fast-growing Shopify stores choose the Sticky Add to Cart and Sales Rocket apps to reduce cart abandonment, increase sales, and offer a great customer experience
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Sticky Add to Cart Booster Pro

Reduce cart abandonment with easy to find ways to bring your customers to the checkout no matter where they are on your store
shopping cart icon

Reduce Cart Abandonment

Fast lane your customers to the checkout with easy cart access everywhere on your store
boost sales icon

Boost Sales

Amplify sales with in cart upsell offers on the Ajax cart offering customers more products
maximize conversion rates icon

Maximize Conversion Rate

Increase conversion rate by 5-10% by a better user experience making checkout the easiest

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“This app has Increased our store conversion and also the app developers are always ready to assist with you any issues or concerns. It has so many features in one app.”
4.8 over 570+ reviews on

Sales Rocket

Boost conversions with urgency and FOMO using popups and countdowns.
reduce bounce rates

Reduce Bounce Rate

Optimize the page speed for visitors of your store so they don't leave before buying
easy setup icon

Easy to Set Up

Install within a minute without development resources required
save money icon

Save Money

Multiple functions in 2 easy-to-use apps that offer multiple benefits at a low cost

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Sales Rocket is an outstanding Shopify app that can greatly enhance your e-commerce sales. What makes Sales Rocket so great is its comprehensive set of features, including personalized product recommendations, sales pop-ups, and countdown timers. The app is easy to use, and its features are powerful and effective.
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Sticky Add to Cart Booster Pro
5 min read

5 Reasons Why You Should Add A Sticky Add-To-Cart To Your Shopify Store

Learn the 5 reasons why you should add a sticky add-to-cart to your Shopify store, plus a few real-life examples to inspire you.

Do you ever notice that when you’re online shopping, there’s sometimes a small “add to cart” button that follows you down the page? It’s not the most noticeable sometimes, but when you do notice it, it’s usually because you conveniently need it. That, my friend, is called a sticky add-to-cart icon.

In more professional terms, a sticky add-to-cart is a button in eCommerce stores that moves up and down the page in sync with customers scrolling through your store. Sometimes it’s at the top, sometimes the bottom, and sometimes the side. Regardless of its precise location, it’s always there to give customers an easy way to checkout with low friction.

The sticky add-to-cart is actually super easy to implement on any Shopify store, and comes with lots of good-for-your-business upsides. Read on to learn the 5 reasons why you should add it to your site if you don’t already, along with a few IRL examples to inspire you.

1. A Sticky Add-To-Cart Enhances the User Experience

Think about it for a second: when you’re in a physical store, you’re always carrying your shopping cart around with you. You don’t return all the way to the front of the store and leave an item at checkout each and every time you find something you want to buy. Similarly, you always want to keep tabs on “what’s in your cart.” The same goes for shopping online.

Any small blip or disruption in a user’s shopping journey can lead them to simply turn away. This includes needing to open a new tab to see product info or to add something to your digital shopping cart. It also includes clicking through to a new page simply to see all that’s in your shopping cart. 

A sticky add-to-cart, however, makes both the shopping and checkout experiences simple and easy. 

2. With a Sticky Add-To-Cart, the CTA Is Always There

The point of any eCommerce website is, obviously, to sell things on said website. This is only possible with a clear CTA, or “call to action.” Usually, CTAs are typically visible as a shop button that says “add to cart” or “shop now.” A sticky add-to-cart, however, is almost like another CTA—it’s both a constant reminder that the customer should be making a purchase and also a literal extra opportunity for a customer to make a purchase. 

Unlike having too many CTA buttons, though (which can often feel a little bit like clickbait), sticky add-to-carts are subtle. They’re there for the customer as needed, but they’re not pushing the customer to buy in an obnoxious, tacky way. 

3. They Reduce Abandoned Cart Rates and Increase Conversions

Since sticky add-to-carts make shopping easier and more seamless, fewer people are likely to churn and leave their carts behind. Fewer abandoned carts, on the flip side, means more conversions. This is not just good news for your Head of Ecomm, but also good for sales and your bottom line.

4. A Sticky Add-To-Cart Means More Sales

This reason is pretty straightforward: since fewer customers are abandoning their carts and since conversions are higher, sales are also higher. It’s just basic math.

However, this calculation doesn’t even include the impact of an improved customer experience. An improved customer experience means improved customer satisfaction, which often leads to more loyal customers (higher customer lifetime value). This, in turn, leads to more and more sales—particularly over time.

5. A Sticky Add-To-Cart Increases Revenue

Now all of these benefits combined? Higher revenue for you and your eCommerce business. (We already mentioned that a sticky add-to-cart would make your Head of Ecomm pretty happy, but your CFO will be pretty stoked, too.) 

Now let’s take a look at some of these benefits in action. 

Examples of a Sticky Add-to-Cart in Action

First, let’s look at Glam Game Beauty, an eCommerce retailer selling makeup products and more. On Glam Game Beauty’s site, the sticky add-to-cart is visible as a small quick-buy button hovering over each individual product in the collection while scrolling down the product catalog. Now why is this great? It makes shopping at this Shopify store so much easier. The sticky add-to-cart quick-buy button serves as a constant CTA, literally— you can add any product, or multiple products, quickly with one click. You can even browse different color options by clicking this button. Even better, you can do all this without ever leaving the page or opening a new tab. Now talk about a seamless customer experience. 

Glam Game Beauty Example Image

For another example, let’s look at Dittyroo!, an eCommerce fashion retailer. Similar to Glam Game Beauty, Dittryroo! has sticky add-to-cart quick-buy buttons on every product across their collection. With these buttons, you’re also able to browse and select different color and sizing options without ever having to go to a new page. 

Dittyroo! Example Image

However, Dittyroo! also has a classic sticky add-to-cart icon always visible on the right-hand side of the page. No matter how far down a customer scrolls, this sticky cart remains hovering on the right side of the screen, ready to be swept away (we mean towards checkout) with one simple click. Whenever the customer is ready to buy, the sticky add-to-cart is ready to fast-track you to make the purchase without any additional distractions.

For the sake of one final example, let’s look at Power Bend, an eCommerce retailer selling compression bands for athletes. Different from Glam Game Beauty and Dittyroo!, Power Bend actually utilizes a unique sticky add-to-cart bar at the bottom of every PDP (product page). This sticky add-to-cart bar is extremely convenient for customers scrolling the PDP in an attempt to learn more. Why? Let’s dig a little deeper.

Power Band Example Image

Let’s say you’re a customer and you scroll down to the customer reviews section of the PDP. After reading the reviews, you’re convinced to buy. However, you don’t need to scroll allll the way back up to add the band to your shopping cart. Instead, with the sticky add-to-cart bar at the bottom, you can add it without a single scroll. Again, the sticky add-to-cart fast tracks you to making the purchase without any extra steps.

Easily Add a Sticky Add-to-Cart to your Shopify Store With Sticky Add To Cart Booster Pro

Convinced that you should add a sticky add-to-cart to your eCommerce store? Great! Now you just have to implement it. Luckily, we have an app for that. 

Implementing a sticky add-to-cart functionality is easy with Sticky Add To Cart Booster Pro, available to Shopify merchants. It’s easy to install, no developer resources are needed, and you can even brand the carts with your store’s theme colors.

Try it free for 14 days today and see the benefits of a sticky add-to-cart for yourself.

Start your 14-day free trial today image example

Sales Rocket
5 min read

6 Best Features of Sales Rocket to Boost Sales and Retention

In a sea of Shopify apps, it can be quite challenging for Shopify merchants to decide which apps to install.

In a sea of Shopify apps, it can be quite challenging for Shopify merchants to decide which apps to install. What is needed? What is wanted? What might slow down the page speed or interrupt the purchase funnel? It's so overwhelming that decision paralysis can take hold.

In this article, let's focus on the top 6 features used by merchants that have installed the Sales Rocket Shopify app.

Page Speed Optimizer

In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, page speed optimization has become an essential aspect of running a successful online business. Customers expect websites to load quickly, and any delays can lead to frustration and lost sales. This is where a Page Speed Optimize widget can be incredibly beneficial for your Shopify store. This widget analyzes your website's performance and provides you with actionable insights and recommendations to optimize your website's loading speed. With this widget, you can identify and fix any speed-related issues, leading to a better user experience and increased sales. A faster website also has the added benefit of improving your search engine rankings, as page speed is a key factor in Google's algorithm. So, investing in a Page Speed Optimize widget for your Shopify store is a smart move that can pay off in the long run.

In Cart Upsell

In Cart Upsell Example

In Cart Upsell widgets are becoming increasingly popular among Shopify store owners as they can help increase revenue and customer satisfaction. Essentially, these widgets prompt customers to add complementary or related products to their cart before checkout, thereby increasing the average order value. This strategy is particularly effective for stores with a wide range of products or those that offer bundles or packages. With an In Cart Upsell widget, you can showcase the products that customers may have missed while browsing your store, or suggest products that are frequently bought together. This can result in increased sales and customer satisfaction, as customers feel that they are getting more value for their money. Additionally, this strategy can lead to increased customer loyalty as customers are more likely to return to your store if they feel that they have received a personalized shopping experience. So, if you're looking to increase your store's revenue and customer satisfaction, an In Cart Upsell widget is worth considering.

Stock Countdown

The use of a Stock Countdown widget on your Shopify store can be an effective way to create a sense of urgency among your customers and increase sales. This widget displays the number of items left in stock for a particular product, encouraging customers to purchase before the product sells out. This strategy is particularly effective for stores with limited stock or for products that are in high demand. By creating a sense of urgency, customers are more likely to make a purchase sooner rather than later, which can help increase your store's conversion rates. Additionally, the use of a Stock Countdown widget can also help create a sense of exclusivity, as customers may feel that they are getting their hands on a product that is in high demand and limited supply. This can also help build customer loyalty, as customers are more likely to return to your store if they feel that they have received a personalized and exclusive shopping experience. Overall, incorporating a Stock Countdown widget into your Shopify store can be a simple yet effective way to boost sales and customer engagement.

Remove Shopify Branding

When you sign up for a Shopify account, your store automatically includes Shopify branding, such as the Shopify logo and text in the footer. However, removing this branding can have a positive impact on the credibility and branding of your own business. By removing the Shopify branding, you can create a more professional and personalized look and feel for your store, which can help establish trust with your customers. This can also help differentiate your store from other Shopify stores and increase brand recognition. Furthermore, having your branding displayed prominently in your store can help with brand recall and help customers remember your business more easily. This can help increase customer loyalty and repeat business. Overall, removing Shopify branding can help your store look more professional, increase brand recognition, and create a more memorable shopping experience for your customers.

Animated Add to Cart

Using an Animated Add to Cart widget on your Shopify store can have several benefits that can help increase customer engagement and conversions. This widget is designed to make the process of adding items to the cart more visually appealing and interactive for customers. With this widget, customers can see a fun and visually engaging animation as they add items to their cart, which can make the shopping experience more enjoyable and memorable. Additionally, this widget can help create a sense of urgency and excitement, as customers feel like they are "locking in" their purchase as they add items to their cart. This can also help increase the likelihood of customers completing their purchase, as they have already taken the first step in the checkout process. Overall, incorporating an Animated Add to Cart widget into your Shopify store can help make the shopping experience more enjoyable, and memorable, and increase the likelihood of customers completing their purchase.

Cart Reserved

Cart Reserved Example Image

A Cart Reserved widget on your Shopify store can be a powerful tool to help increase sales and customer satisfaction. This widget works by reserving items in a customer's cart for a set period, typically between 10-30 minutes. During this time, the items in the customer's cart are reserved and cannot be purchased by anyone else. This can be particularly useful for stores with limited stock or for products that are in high demand. By reserving items in a customer's cart, you can create a sense of exclusivity and urgency, which can encourage customers to complete their purchase before the reservation period expires. This can also help reduce the likelihood of abandoned carts, as customers are more likely to complete their purchase if they know that their items are reserved and cannot be purchased by anyone else. Overall, using a Cart Reserved widget can help increase sales, reduce abandoned carts, and improve customer satisfaction by creating a more personalized and exclusive shopping experience.

The Solution is Sales Rocket

Believe it or not, all of these features are all available in 1 app, not 6. The page speed issue is a non issue and there are a ton of revenue boosters to support the nominal monthly subscription costs that start at $9.99 and tops at $49.99 a month for Shopify Plus merchants. Sales Rocket can be installed for a 14-day free trial on the Shopify app store today!

Start your free 14-day trial

Sticky Add to Cart Booster Pro
5 min read

Sticky Add-to-Cart: The Key to Increasing Sales on Your Shopify Store

One of the most crucial aspects of running an e-commerce store is to ensure that your customers have a seamless shopping experience.

One of the most crucial aspects of running an e-commerce store is to ensure that your customers have a seamless shopping experience. One of the biggest challenges in achieving this is making the process of adding products to the cart as effortless as possible. To achieve this, you need to make it easy for customers to find what they want and complete their purchases without any friction.

Two effective ways of achieving this are by using sticky add-to-cart buttons and quick-buy buttons on collection pages. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of using these features on your Shopify store, and how to use them effectively to reduce cart abandonment and increase sales. We will also provide practical tips on choosing the right placement for these buttons, making them mobile-friendly, and testing and optimizing them for maximum effectiveness.

What is a Sticky Add-to-Cart Button?

Sticky Add-to-Cart Button
Sticky Add-to-Cart Button

A sticky add-to-cart button is a button that remains in a fixed position on an eCommerce store as a customer scrolls through a product page. This means that the button is always within reach and accessible to the customer, regardless of how far down they have scrolled. The purpose of a sticky add-to-cart button is to simplify the checkout process for your customers and reduce the number of clicks it takes for them to purchase a product.

Sticky Add-to-Cart Bar

Sticky Add-to-Cart Bar
Sticky Add-to-Cart Bar

A sticky add-to-cart bar is a fixed element on an eCommerce store that remains visible as the user scrolls down the page. It typically contains an "add to cart" button, cart icon, or both, and it stays in the same position on the screen regardless of how far down the user scrolls. This feature allows customers to quickly and easily add products to their cart without having to scroll back up to the top of the page. The sticky add-to-cart bar is commonly used on Shopify stores fixed on the top of the page or the bottom of the page.

Benefits of Using a Sticky Add-to-Cart Button or Bar

  1. Increased visibility: The most significant advantage of a sticky add-to-cart button is that it increases the visibility of the button on your product page. With a traditional add-to-cart button, customers have to scroll back up to the top of the page to add the product to their cart. With a sticky add-to-cart button, the button is always in view, making it easier for customers to add the product to their cart.
  2. Improved user experience: Sticky add-to-cart buttons also improve the user experience on your Shopify store. By reducing the number of clicks required to add a product to the cart, customers can make purchases more quickly and efficiently. This creates a positive experience for customers and encourages them to return to your store.
  3. Increased conversions: By simplifying the checkout process, sticky add-to-cart buttons can help increase conversions on your Shopify store. With a reduced number of clicks, customers are more likely to complete the checkout process and purchase products from your store.

Tips for using Sticky Add-to-Cart Buttons on Your Shopify Store

  1. Keep it simple: When designing your sticky add-to-cart button, keep it simple and easy to use. Use a contrasting color that stands out from the rest of the page, and ensure that the button is large enough to be easily clicked. Another way to make the sticky add-to-cart stand out is by making the cart animated.
  2. Choose the right placement: The placement of your sticky add-to-cart button is also crucial. Place it in a position that is easily accessible to customers, such as the bottom of the page or the right side of the screen.
  3. Make it mobile-friendly: Ensure that your sticky add-to-cart button is mobile-friendly. Most online purchases are made on mobile devices, so the button must be visible and easy to use on mobile devices.
  4. Test and optimize: Finally, test and optimize your sticky add-to-cart button. Run A/B tests to determine which design and placement work best for your store, and make adjustments accordingly. You know the rule: Always. Be. Testing.

Buy Buttons on Collections Pages

Buy Buttons on the Collection Page

Buy Buttons on the Collection Page

As an online store owner, one of your primary goals is to make it as easy as possible for customers to buy from you. One way to do this is by adding Buy Buttons on the collections pages of your Shopify store.

What is a Collection Page

A collection page is where you display a group of products that share a common feature, such as a product category or a particular style. By adding Buy Buttons on these pages, you can make it easy for customers to add products to their cart without having to navigate to the individual product pages.

Benefits of Adding Buy Buttons to Your Collection Pages:

  1. Convenience: Customers can quickly add products to their cart without having to navigate to the individual product pages. This saves time and makes the shopping experience more convenient.
  2. Increased Sales: By making it easier for customers to add products to their cart, you may see an increase in sales. Customers are more likely to make a purchase when the process is quick and easy.
  3. Improved User Experience: Buy Buttons on Collection Pages can improve the overall user experience of your website. Customers can quickly browse your products and purchase without any friction.

Now each product in a specific collection can have Buy Buttons for customers to easily add the product to the cart without any friction. When a customer clicks the Buy Button, they will be taken directly to the checkout page with the product already added to their cart.

The Two Are Combined Are a Winning Formula

Using sticky add-to-cart buttons and quick-buy buttons on collection pages is an effective strategy for reducing cart abandonment and increasing sales on a Shopify store. This is because it simplifies the purchasing process, improves the user experience, and encourages customers to buy products with ease. The sticky add-to-cart button ensures that the cart is always visible and accessible, making it easier for customers to add products to their cart. The quick buy button allows customers to purchase products directly from the collection page without having to navigate to the individual product page. These features help to reduce friction in the buying process and make the shopping experience more convenient for customers. By implementing these features and testing and optimizing them, a Shopify store can significantly improve its conversion rates and drive more sales.

Sticky Add to Cart Booster PRO

All of this and more can be achieved with Sticky Add to Cart Booster Pro, available for Shopify merchants. It's easy to install, no developer resources are needed and you can brand the carts with your store's theme colors. If you want to achieve something more advanced like animated buttons or carts, please contact support to help you set it up for free today.

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Why Choose
Sticky Add to Cart Booster Pro & Sales Rocket
Reduce Cart Abandonment
Fast lane your customers to the checkout with easy cart access everywhere on your store
Boost Sales
Amplify sales with in cart upsell offers on the Ajax cart offering customers more products
Maximize Conversion Rate
Increase conversion rate by 5-10% by a better user experience making checkout the easiest
Reduce Bounce Rate
Optimize the page speed for visitors of your store so they don't leave before buying
Easy to Set Up
Install within a minute without development resources required
Save Money
Multiple functions in 2 easy-to-use apps that offer multiple benefits at a low cost

What Merchants Are Saying

Used By Over
Reviewed 400+
This app has Increased our store conversion and also the app developers are always ready to assist with you any issues or concerns. It has so many features in one app.
Without hesitation the best app on the market at least for the Sticky Add To Cart Bar.

See it in Action on Sticky Add to Cart Booster Pro Demo

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Used By Over
Reviewed 400+
Sales Rocket is a game-changer for my Shopify store! This all-in-one app has streamlined my sales and marketing efforts, boosting conversions and customer satisfaction. The easy-to-use interface, combined with powerful features such as upsells, cross-sells, and abandoned cart recovery, has helped me make the most of my store's potential.
Sales Rocket is an outstanding Shopify app that can greatly enhance your e-commerce sales. What makes Sales Rocket so great is its comprehensive set of features, including personalized product recommendations, sales pop-ups, and countdown timers. The app is easy to use, and its features are powerful and effective.

See it in Action on Sales Rocket Demo

Check out all of the features by reviewing products on the demo store
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